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Phithos Technologies Joins Forces with Crescents Cricket Club as Main Sponsor

The partnership between Montrose Primary School, Phithos Technologies and Crescent Cricket Club resulted in a beautiful tale of children witnessing their first-ever professional cricket match at the Wanderers Stadium.

On a bustling day, the Crescents Cricket Club welcomed sponsors and enthusiasts for a significant occasion. Phithos Technologies, a prominent innovator, had announced its partnership with the esteemed cricket club, marking the start of a promising collaboration.

The unveiling ceremony began with representatives from both Phithos Technologies and the Crescents Cricket Club taking the stage. The new kits, displaying both logos, symbolised the unity and shared vision of the partnership. Lovkesh Arora, CEO of Phithos Technologies, expressed his delight at being part of the occasion, emphasising the company’s commitment to supporting sports and community initiatives.

Adding significance was the presence of Jono Leaf-Wright, CEO of Gauteng Lions, highlighting the importance of collaboration within the sporting community. In a gesture of mutual respect, Jono honored Lovkesh with words of appreciation.


October 23, 2022

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October 23, 2022
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